Yesterday on twitter George Veletsianos asked if anyone was looking into online courses, and I mentioned that I’d been collecting examples for a future faculty workshop on online teaching.  As promised, here is my collection-in-progress of links and resources that I’m hoping to use over a series of workshops.

I’m planning to build the workshops as a class in Canvas.  Even if your institution is using a different LMS, you can sign up for a free instructor account from Instructure’s home page.  It’s an incredible platform and I hope I have the chance to use it more thoroughly in the future.

Open Access Online Courses: examples, ideas and inspiration

The first thing I want to give participants is the option to see how other folks are doing it, to see the variety in levels of interaction, expectations, and organization.  I haven’t been talking about iTunes U much because it is still so platform-restricted.  The vast majority of our office computers are Windows, thus iTunes U doesn’t work so well for us from a creation standpoint.

Canvas Course Examples:

Classroom Activities:

This past Fall, the university introduced iPads to campus. Every freshman student and roughly half of the faculty received an iPad 2.  Naturally, this has brought up a lot of questions about classroom management and teaching techniques, while we also grapple with exploring new methods for assessment. I’ve been looking for links and assignment examples that might give instructors ideas about how they can tweak their own classes.

Personal Workflows: 

At the same time, we’ve been looking for ways to strengthen the communication and idea-sharing process between departments.  We’re not on SharePoint and we don’t have any employee newsletter type of thing.  Only a handful of the 70+ faculty are on twitter, that I know of, but I’m hoping we can develop a core group of people who want to be proactive and collaborative – no matter what tool is used.

Other Resources: